That's Christmas To Me: Part 2

December 8, 2024
That's Christmas To Me: Part 2

That's Christmas To Me: Part 2

I don’t think we can be reminded enough that the whole purpose of this narrative is to include the excluded, and to bring outsiders into the inside.

Luke 2:1-15

Every follower of Jesus’ story has this transition from “Why me?” to “Who is he?” It’s the most important question.

Luke 2:16-20

The danger that some of us face is we’re just successful enough that we don’t see our need for Jesus.
We’re the Shepherds! We’re the ones that Jesus came for. We’re the ones he chose to spend his life with. We’re the ones who get a front row seat to the magnificence and glory of God! Even though we don’t deserve it!

What You Need to Do:
1. Know where you stand.
2. Accept the invitation.
3. Spread the Word.